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Custom by Goldsmiths - Fabric Collection #2

Fabrics C

Welcome to the Goldsmith Company!

We offer you fine quality Custom Bedspreads and Drapes made especially for the hospitality industry.  Our Custom by Goldsmiths collection is made with the highest quality fabric and craftsmanship.  If you have an unusual or custom order, or don't see what you are looking for, just contact us by e-mail or phone - We will be happy to help you!



EXQUISITE is an excellent Fire Retardant pattern that looks like a Dupioni silk because of its natural sheen.  Through the use of the yarns, many colors feature a multi-toned look.


exivory.jpg (5847 bytes) exstraw.jpg (5608 bytes) exdrift.jpg (6792 bytes)
Ivory Straw Driftwood

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Heather Midas Otter

exbarley.jpg (8009 bytes) exhemp.jpg (8554 bytes) exgold.jpg (7582 bytes)
Barley Hemp Gold

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Coin Corn Antique

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Apricot Chili Cardinal

excameo.jpg (7975 bytes) exaubergine.jpg (9969 bytes) exrose.jpg (9681 bytes)
Cameo Aubergine Rose

exraspberry.jpg (10655 bytes) exmerlot.jpg (11287 bytes) exeggplant.jpg (12944 bytes)
Raspberry Merlot Eggplant

exwedgewood.jpg (10727 bytes) exdenim.jpg (12040 bytes) extidewater.jpg (11063 bytes)
Wedgewood Denim Tidewater

exhunter.jpg (12349 bytes) exleaf.jpg (14580 bytes) artichoke1.jpg (12750 bytes)
Hunter Leaf Artichoke

exwillow.jpg (9461 bytes) exsage.jpg (8019 bytes)
Willow Sage



ANDROMEDA has two different vertical slubs that play against the twill weave in this pattern and has the look of raw silk.  This pattern has also been tested for upholstery and exceeds 30,000 double rubs.


andbone.jpg (6444 bytes) andmarble.jpg (6874 bytes) andbisque.jpg (6021 bytes)
Bone Marble Bisque

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Dawn Flax Parchment

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Linen Khaki Eucalyptus

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Platinum Gold Nugget

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Banana Corn Camel

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Pecan Carob Magic Moon

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Salmon Mauve Grape

andchili.jpg (12843 bytes) andrust.jpg (12399 bytes) andhuckle.jpg (11978 bytes)
Chili Rust Huckleberry

andwine.jpg (11172 bytes) andterra.jpg (12876 bytes) andhenna.jpg (15195 bytes)
Wine Terra Cotta Henna

andseagreen.jpg (10947 bytes) andspring.jpg (13456 bytes) andforest.jpg (15231 bytes)
Sea Green Spring Forest

andgrey.jpg (14661 bytes) andwedge.jpg (14923 bytes) andsaxon.jpg (14219 bytes)
Grey Wedgewood Saxon Blue

andmidnight.jpg (15850 bytes) andnavy.jpg (13738 bytes) andblack.jpg (15187 bytes)
Midnight Navy Black




KINCAID is our classic.  This high/low Fire Retardant satin stripe now has 17 new colors added to its winning colorline for a total of 40 colors.


kinivory.jpg (3039 bytes) kinalmond.jpg (4131 bytes) kinbeige.jpg (5291 bytes)
Ivory Almond Beige

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Oatmeal Sand Maize

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Cornsilk Straw Antique Gold

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Biscuit Taupe Driftwood

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Chestnut Cinnamon Lichen

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Glade Juniper Forest

kingranny.jpg (6340 bytes) kinpine.jpg (6652 bytes) kinleaf.jpg (9748 bytes)
Granny Smith Pine Leaf

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Willow Clover Hunter

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Slate Sail Chambray

kinwedgewood.jpg (7568 bytes) kinmidnight.jpg (6360 bytes) kinnavy.jpg (8766 bytes)
Wedgewood Midnight Navy

kinrichgrape.jpg (10486 bytes) kinwisteria.jpg (7657 bytes) kindusty.jpg (6668 bytes)
Rich Grape Wisteria Dusty

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Burgundy Merlot Wildberry

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Cinnabar Brick Silver

kinebony.jpg (5585 bytes)

We bring style, color and service to the hospitality industry with our extensive line of 126" and 54" prints.  We also have a wide selection of coordinating solids to enhance any design scheme.  As a one-stop resource we measure, fabricate and install custom-quality products at reasonable prices.  Call us today to find out more about our great customer service!

Collection #2 Bedspread fabrics:
Fabrics A     Fabrics B     Fabrics C   Fabrics D    Fabrics E

Goldsmith's is Wholesale Only for the Hospitality Industry
We do not sell to individuals for residential or personal use